Upeart statement for the advancement of equality and inclusivity in the organisation’s operations

Upeart is aware of the unbalance in the art field in terms of gender and ethnic equality. We are taking this into consideration when deciding on the selection of works and the forming of the program. As Upeart wants to appeal to people from all backgrounds, then diversity should also be represented in the artists that are selected. So far artists that have been part of UPEA -festivals have come from all over the world with very diverse backgrounds and a vast range of artistic skills.

Upeart is committed to fighting economic inequality in the art field. All artists are compensated for the art they produce for Upeart. In addition, for the continuation of the organisation we acknowledge that relying heavily on volunteer work will hinder longevity and quality of projects. Therefore fair pay is an integral matter that goes through all different production aspects in our operations.

Upeart is committed to protecting freedom of expression by giving artists a great amount of artistic freedom, so they could realise their vision in optimal conditions. At the same time, Upeart is committed to standing behind the works that it produces, so that no discriminative or harmful content pass as part of the works. Ideally no harmful material gets to production stage through ethical curating. Yet, Upeart engages actively in the discussion around the works it produces and is willing to participate in dialogue and ultimately take action if concerns are raised on the content of a work.

Upeart sees artistic value as something that can not be determined by market prices alone. Instead signs of artistic quality are more often based on how creatively and with insight the artists has chosen to approach a site-specific project with often challenging shapes and materials. Similarly important is awareness of local surroundings and the ability to produce a work that resonates with the local residents who see the public work every day.

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